Fables & Fairy Tales

by by SignMedia Incorporated


Volume 1 includes the following stories: Fables – The Boys & the Frogs, The Wolf & the Kid
(told twice), The Mole & His Mother (told twice), The Eagle & the Jackdaw, The Two Goats; Fairy
Tales – The Brave Little Tailor, How Six Made Their Way in the World (told twice)
Other DVDs in the series are:
• Volume 2: Fables – The Jackass, Fox & Lion, The Cat & the Old Rat (told twice), The Crab &
His Mother, The Cat, Cock & Mouse, The Wolf & the Goat (told twice); Fairy Tales – Cinderella
(told twice), The White Snake
• Volume 3: Fables – Ants & the Grasshopper, The Wolf & House Dog, The Tortoise & the
Ducks (told twice), The Wolf & the Shepherd (told twice), The Ant & the Dove; Fairy Tales
Wonderful Tar Baby Story, Three Little Gnomes in the Forest (told twice)
• Volume 4: Fables – The Bundle of Sticks (told twice), The Cat & the Fox, The Peacock & the
Crane, The Gnats & the Bull (told twice), Mercury & the Woodsman; Fairy Tales – The Golden
Goose (told twice), The Nixie in the Pond
• Volume 5: Fables – The Man & the Lion (told twice), The Owl & the Grasshopper, The Wolf
in Sheep’s Clothing, The Miser, The Jackass & the Grasshopper (told twice); Fairy Tales – The
Bremen Town Musicians (told twice), The Ugly Duckling
SKU: CDHH-D-78-2022, CDHH-D-79-2022,CDHH-D-80-2022,CDHH-D-82-2022,CDHH-D-81-2022


The cast of Four for You (Freda Norman, Mary Beth Miller, Lou Fant, and Patrick Graybill)
returns with the addition of one new member, Bill Ennis, for even more enjoyment! This set
of DVDs complements the Four for You! Fables and Fairy Tales series. The same format is
used here. Each DVD includes five fables and two fairy tales. As an added bonus, two fables
and one fairy tale are told twice. The first version is the traditional story; the second is how Deaf
people would tell the tale! Each DVD has a translated voice-over.