Official Government Website

Interpreter Directory & Services

This directory is provided by the Idaho State Council for the Deaf & Hard of Hearing as a public service. The Council claims no responsibility for the services rendered by individuals listed within. Although used with permission, the information has been provided by the individuals themselves and has not been independently checked or verified. The Council’s intent is to provide the public with an up-to-date listing of sign language/oral interpreters for the deaf and hard of hearing in Idaho. Licensed interpreters are not required for private interpreting such as in churches, retail settings or individual conversations pursuant to Idaho Code Statute Title 54 Chapter 29 . To ensure an interpreter is licensed, please contact the Idaho Bureau of Occupational Licenses.

FAQ – Complaints

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    FAQ – DHH Consumers

    Effective July 1, 2018 changes were made to the “Speech and Hearing Services Practice Act” (IC § 54-2901 – IC § 54-2927) that could impact what you do when using a signed language interpreter in the State of Idaho. This Act does not mandate the use of a signed language interpreter but when a signed language interpreter is used for communication, that interpreter is required to hold a valid license through the Idaho Division of Occupational and Professional Licenses (IDOPL).

    What is this about?

    Effective July 1, 2018 signed language interpreters are required to have a valid license from the Idaho Division of Occupational and Professional Licenses (IDOPL) to interpret in the State of Idaho, with few exceptions. This Act does not mandate the use of a signed language interpreter

    Where does this requirement come from?

    This requirement is from IC § 54-2904(5)

    Can I ask if the interpreter is licensed?

    Yes, you can ask if the interpreter is licensed.

    Can I ask the interpreter to show me their license?

    Yes, the interpreter must have their license on them while working, either in paper format or digital format (a photo on their phone).

    Can I bring my own interpreter? (Family member, friend, child)

    No, interpreters must be licensed unless an exemption applies.

    When are interpreters exempt from needing a license in the State of Idaho?

    • ITP Students work under the supervision of licensed interpreters
    • Deaf Interpreter (Must be registered)
    • Certified Out-of-state Interpreters (Must be registered & not to exceed 30 days)
    • Religious setting such as a church, synagogue, or other worship setting
    • Private, non-commercial, family event
    • Inconsequential situation: level of significance is such as that a licensed interpreter would not be deemed necessary for effective communication
    • Temporarily in exigent/ emergency circumstance
    • Courts and court services (abide by ICAR Rule 52)

    Contact Us

    If you have any more questions regarding the Idaho code, please fill this out:

      FAQ – Hiring Entities

      Effective July 1, 2018, changes were made to the “Speech and Hearing Services Practice Act” (IC § 54-2901 – IC § 54-2927) that could impact what you do when using a signed language interpreter in the State of Idaho. This Act does not mandate the use of a signed language interpreter but when a signed language interpreter is used for communication, that interpreter is required to hold a valid license through the Idaho Division of Occupational and Professional Licenses (IDOPL).

      What is this about?

      Effective July 1, 2018, signed language interpreters are required to have a valid license from the Idaho Division of Occupational and Professional Licenses (IDOPL) to interpret in the State of Idaho, with few exceptions. This Act does not mandate the use of a signed language interpreter

      Where does this requirement come from?

      This requirement is from IC § 54-2904(5)

      How do I know if I have to hire a licensed interpreter?

      An interpreter must always have a license from IDOPL, unless an exemption applies.

      Do I always have to hire a signed language interpreter?

      No. Hiring a signed language interpreter depends upon individual preferences, accommodation requests, and organization policy. Please review your organizations policy regarding communication access.

      When are Signed Language Interpreters exempt from licensure?

      • Interpreting for school aged students in education and are authorized under the Idaho Educational Interpreter Act (IC § 33-1301 – IC § 33-1304)
      • Court (must abide by ICAR Rule 52)
      • Inconsequential situations (ordering food at a restaurant)
      • Private events (weddings, funerals, etc.)
      • Religious settings

      How can I find out if an interpreter is licensed?

      • You can ask the interpreter to show their license, it is required for them to have their license on them while working as an interpreter. You can also visit theIdaho Division of Occupational and Professional Licenses website – license search
      • 3 types of licenses:
        • SIGNP – Sign Language Interpreter Provisional
        • SIGNT – Sign Language Interpreter Out of State
        • SIGN – Sign Language Interpreter License
      • Deaf Interpreters are language specialists and are required to register with the State of Idaho – there is no license search for these specialists.

      Can we just change the job title of that interpreter to something else?

      No. The statute CLEARLY defines what constitutes someone who is interpreting regardless of the job title. If that person is functioning as an interpreter, they need to be licensed.

      We have an employee who can sign, do they need to be licensed?

      No. If the individual can sign, that is considered direct communication, NOT the act of interpreting.

      What about emergency situations? Must I find a licensed interpreter before proceeding?

      No. IC § 54-2905(h) states that in “exigent emergency circumstances,” you may use “temporary interpreting services until a qualified interpreter can be obtained.”

      When I need a signed language interpreter, where can I find one?

      • The Idaho Council for the Deaf and Hard of Hearing has an interpreter directory that provides information to directly contact interpreters for services, found further down on this page.
      • The Idaho Registry of Interpreters for the Deaf also has an interpreter directory you can find interpreters and contact them directly.
      • Depending on your area and availability of local interpreters, you may contact the Idaho Council for the Deaf and Hard of Hearing for additional contacts.

      If the person who is Deaf or Hard of Hearing brings a friend, family member, or child with them to interpret, can they serve as a client-appointed interpreter?

      No. If the client-appointed interpreter goes forth with interpreting, they could potentially edit the client’s message, add their own opinions, answer for the individual, or impede the development of the client relationship. A minor child cannot be used except in an emergency involving imminent threat to the safety or welfare of an individual or the public.

      Contact Us

      If you have any more questions regarding the Idaho code, please fill this out:

        FAQ – License

        Effective July 1, 2018 changes were made to the “Speech and Hearing Services Practice Act” (IC § 54-2901 – IC § 54-2927) that could impact what you do when using a signed language interpreter in the State of Idaho. This Act does not mandate the use of a signed language interpreter but when a signed language interpreter is used for communication, that interpreter is required to hold a valid license through the Idaho Division of Occupational and Professional Licenses (IDOPL).

        What is this about?

        Effective July 1, 2018 signed language interpreters are required to have a valid license from the Idaho Division of Occupational and Professional Licenses (IDOPL) to interpret in the State of Idaho, with few exceptions. This Act does not mandate the use of a signed language interpreter.

        Where does this requirement come from?

        This requirement is from IC § 54-2904(5)

        General License Information

        What are the requirements for obtaining a license?

        • Application submitted
        • 18 years of age
        • Pass a competency examination or achieved certification as defined by board rule
          • Both written and performance tests
        • Obtained High School diploma or equivalent
        • No felonies
        • License fee paid

        What credentials do I need to get a license from the Idaho Bureau of Occupational Licenses to interpret in Idaho?

        Certifications accepted – must be current and valid

        • RID
        • NAD
        • BEI
        • Utah: Professional or Master level

        Accepted Exams: Require BOTH Written and performance – Can mix-and-match

        • Written
          • NIC, CDI, EIPA, or any state-issued interpreting generalist written exam
        •  Performance
          • EIPA 4.0+ or RID recognized exam, passed within past 10 years

        I’m certified, which means I’m licensed, right?

        No, you are required to apply for a license in addition to your certification to interpret in the state of Idaho.

        How do I apply for a license?

        • Go to IDOPL Forms
        • Select and complete the form that corresponds with the license you are applying for

        What proof of documentation is needed for credentials?

        • If submitting a certification recognized by RID (excludes Ed:K-12), a copy of your current RID membership card is acceptable
        • If submitting certifications or passed exam results, these results need to be sent directly from the issuing body.

        What is the cost of a license?

        • Original License
          • Application fee:  $25.00
          • License fee:  $70.00
        • Provisional License
          • Application fee:  $25.00
          • Provisional Permit fee:  $70.00
        • Out of State (Endorsement) License
          • Application fee:  $25.00
          • License fee:  $70.00
        • Deaf Interpreter Registration
          • No charge
        • Out of State Registration (work up to 30 days)
          • Registration fee:  $10.00

        Am I required to obtain Continuing Education Units (CEUs) for my license?

        Yes, interpreters are required to obtain 10 hours every year

        When does my license expire?

        The Original license will expire on your birthday with the exemption of the first year obtaining the license. Provisional licenses will expire 1 year after it was granted, and Out of State licenses will automatically expire December 31st of the year it was granted for. Check Idaho Division of Occupational and Professional Licenses  website under license search to confirm when you need to renew your license.

        When are interpreters exempt from needing a license in the State of Idaho?

        • ITP Students work under the supervision of licensed interpreters
        • Deaf Interpreter (Must be registered)
        • Certified Out-of-state Interpreters (Must be registered & not to exceed 30 days)
        • Religious setting such as a church, synagogue, or other worship setting
        • Private, non-commercial, family event
        • Inconsequential situation: level of significance is such as that a licensed interpreter would not be deemed necessary for effective communication
        • Temporarily in exigent/ emergency circumstance
        • Courts and court services (abide by ICAR Rule 52)

        Can my job title be changed, and I won’t need a license?

        No. The statute CLEARLY defines what constitutes someone who is interpreting regardless of the job title. If someone is functioning as an interpreter, they need to be licensed, exemptions apply.

        Provisional Permit

        I recently received my provisional license and there is a quarterly report due. Do I need to submit a quarterly report?

        If your license was granted during any time of the quarter the report is due for, yes. It does not matter if you were actively interpreting or not, a report is due if your license was active during the quarter.

        Where do I find the quarterly reports? How do I submit them?

        • Go to IDOPL Forms
        • Follow the directions on the form to submit your quarterly report

        What settings can a provisional interpreter interpret?

        The settings allowed for an interpreter who is provisionally licensed depends entirely on the supervisor and provisional license holder’s agreement. This information can be found here

        How do I transition from a provisional license to an original license?

        • You need to submit an original license application with appropriate documentation and full license fee
        • When your original license is received, you need to submit your last quarterly report and CLEARLY state this will be the last quarterly report done up to the date you received your original license.

        Out of State License

        If certified or licensed in another state, you may work in Idaho up to 30 days/year.

        • Must register BEFORE working: $10/year
        • Must report after every DAY, or TIME PERIOD worked, within 5 days after working
          • Please note: Failure to report may result in disciplinary action
        • May apply for Idaho license to work without restriction

        *Out of State licenses follow the calendar year and ALL Out of State Licenses will expire December 31st of each year. (i.e. Out of State license was approved in November 2019, license will still expire December 31st, 2019)

        What is the difference between an endorsement license and out of state registration?

        • Applying for an endorsement license is the method for those who have a current license in another state with requirements substantially similar to Idaho’s. Those seeking licensure in Idaho for the first time and do not hold or have not ever held a license in another state should fill out the original license application.
        • Out of state registration allows work in Idaho up to 30 days per year and requires reporting each DAY worked in Idaho.

        Educational Interpreters

        Educational interpreters must meet requirements mandated by the Idaho Educational Interpreter Act (IC § 33-1301 – IC § 33-1304). If requirements by EIA are met, working in educational setting for school aged students is waived from licensure requirement

        • Interpreting for public school-aged STUDENTS only
        • Adults: License is required

        Working outside an educational setting for school aged students in public school requires a general license or exemption. If an interpreter does not meet the Idaho Educational Interpreter Act requirements, it is unlicensed practice

        Do educational interpreters need to pass a written knowledge test?

        The Idaho Educational Interpreter Act (IC § 33-1301 – IC § 33-1304) does not require a written test comment. Therefore, interpreters in educational settings working with school aged students are not required to have passed a written knowledge exam. However, as stated above, if interpreting for adults or outside of a public school setting, a license is required.

        Can educational interpreters, who meet qualifications for the Educational Interpreter Act, but are not licensed, interpret for adults who are Deaf or hard of hearing in a public school, K-12 setting? (IEP meetings, assemblies, parent-teacher conferences, etc.)

        No. The Idaho Educational Interpreter Act clearly defines an educational interpreter as “a person employed in the Idaho public schools, working with school aged students, to provide interpreting services to students who are deaf, hard of hearing or DeafBlind.”

        Can an educational interpreter interpret for school sponsored “after-school” and extracurricular activities?

        Yes. If the interpretation is ONLY for students.

        Can School Districts just change the job title of an educational interpreter to avoid following the Idaho Educational Interpreter Act?

        No. The statute CLEARLY defines what constitutes someone who is interpreting regardless of the job title they hold. If the employee functions as an interpreter, they need to meet the requirements in the Idaho Educational Interpreter Act.

        Who can interpret for a student in preschool?

        As of July 1, 2020, the Idaho Educational Interpreter Act now includes preschool aged students. Meaning all interpreters that work with students in a public school setting that is school aged now follow the Idaho Educational Interpreter Act (IC § 33-1301 – IC § 33-1304)

        Can someone with a provisional permit from IDOPL interpret for adults who are Deaf or Hard of Hearing in an educational setting? (IEP meetings, assemblies, parent-teacher conferences, etc.)

        • Each provisional permit holder will have a plan with their supervisor specifying what settings and situations the provisional permit holder can interpret in. If there are no restrictions interpreting in these settings, then that is acceptable. For the list of Provisional Permit holders and their approved settings, that information can be found here
        • Please remember that an IEP meeting is a procedure to complete legally binding document and falls under a legal setting.

        Additional Resources

        Contact Us

        If you have any more questions regarding the Idaho code, please fill this out:

          Relay Services


          To use relay services in Idaho, simply dial 7-1-1. Or call one of the toll free numbers below:

          Idaho Telecommunications Relay Service (TRS)

          TTY/ASCII 1.800.377.3529 Voice: 1.800.377.1363 Speech-to-Speech: 1.888.791.3004 Spanish-to-Spanish: 1.866.252.0684 If you have suggestions, comments, or concerns, please contact: Hamilton Relay Hamilton Relay provides traditional relay services for the state of Idaho including TTY, Voice Carry Over (VCO), Hearing Carry Over (HCO), Speech-to-Speech, Spanish-to-Spanish, and CapTel. When you connect with Idaho Relay, a Communication Assistant (CA) will connect on the phone with you. Simply give the CA the number you wish to call and your call will be processed promptly, professionally and accurately.


          Idaho offers CapTel through the Idaho Relay Service.  CapTel is a new technology developed by Ultratec, Inc., Madison, Wisconsin that allows individuals with hearing loss to view word-for-word captions of their telephone conversations.  This service is perfect for individuals who have good speech but do not hear well over the phone.

          Internet Relay

          Internet Relay (or IP Relay) gives those who are deaf, hard-of-hearing, or speech disabled the ability to place a relay call directly from a web browser.  Consumers can use any service provider they choose.  Below is a list of Internet Relay providers in alphabetical order:

          Video Relay Service (VRS)

          VRS uses communication assistants who are skilled interpreters to relay calls in sign language, rather than communication assistants to relay calls in text. Consumers can use any service provider they choose.  Below is a list of VRS providers in alphabetical order:

          Video Remote Interpreting

          Video Remote Interpreting (VRI) is a service utilizing video cameras to provide sign language interpreting services without an interpreter present. A typical VRI setup involves a deaf and hearing user at one location with a camera and television screen, and an interpreter at another location, typically a call center, who also has a camera and television screen. Both cameras offer video and audio connectivity, and the interpreter facilitates communication between the deaf and hearing users who are located together. The hearing person can be heard by the remote interpreter, who interprets into sign language that the deaf person can see on the television monitor. In turn, the deaf person signs to the camera and the interpreter can see what is being said, and then voices it for the hearing person to hear. The terms Video Remote Interpreting and Video Relay Service should not be confused. The latter was originally called Video Relay Interpreting, but the name was changed and now the terms refer to two separate and distinct services.

          Video Remote Interpreting Service Directory


          Sort or search the table below for an interpreter

          ASL Interpreting Agencies Operating in Idaho:
          A2Z Interpreting – Eastern Washington/North Idaho based
          Away With Words Interpreting Services – Washington based
          Network Interpreting Service – Idaho based
          5 Star Interpreting – Utah based

          Other Sources of ASL Interpreters
          Idaho Independent Interpreters (Magic Valley & Treasure Valley) email:
          Registry of Interpreters for the Deaf
          Idaho Department of Occupational and Professional Licenses (License Type: SIGN, SIGNP, SIGNT)

          Idaho Interpreters

          If you are a licensed interpreter and would like to be added to this directory, please fill out this form.

          LocationCurrently accepting work in the following settings:QualificationsDo you provide virtual interpreting services?Notes
          Alii Manley
          aliimanley2022@gmail.comBoiseEducation K-12, Education Post-Secondary, Community, Business, Conference, PlatformEIPA 4.0+Yes: fully virtual events
          Amber Markham

          (208) 293-5761
          NampaEarly Childhood, Education K-12, Education Post-Secondary, Community, Business, Medical/HealthcareEIPA 4.0+No
          Amy Arteaga

          Text: (208) 421-1627
          Twin FallsEducation K-12, Education Post-Secondary, CommunityEIPA 4.0+No
          Ashley Camp

          Call/Text: (208) 982-0905
          MeridianEarly Childhood, Education K-12, Education Post-Secondary, Community, Religious, Some conference (depending on topic), children's theatreNIC, EIPA 4.0+NoMasters Degree in progress
          Beth Kovatch

          Call/Text: (480) 628-3041
          Remote work ONLYEducation Post-Secondary, Community, Business, Conference, Government, Medical/Healthcare, Mental HealthMS: Family and Human Development
          EIPA 4.0+, CI, CT
          Yes: VRI and fully virtual settings
          Brenna Andrew

          (208) 539-3779
          CaldwellEarly Childhood, Education K-12, Education Post-Secondary, Community, Business, Conference, Platform, Religious, Performing Arts, Government, Legal, Medical/Healthcare, DV/SA, Mental Health, DeafBlind (ProTactile/Tactile/Close Vision)CI, NAD IVYes: VRI - most participants are in the same room, interpreter joins virtuallyI hold a BS: Educational Interpreting and licensed in 6 states (AZ, ID, MI, MO, UT, WI)
          Bria Martinez

          Call/Text: (951) 500-1637
          EagleEducation K-12, Education Post-Secondary, Community, Business, Conference, Performing ArtsEIPA 4.0+
          Caitlin Quiroz

          Call/Text: (208) 310-9079
          Idaho FallsEarly Childhood, Education K-12, Education Post-Secondary, Community, Business, Platform, Performing Arts, Medical/Healthcare, Mental Health, DeafBlind (ProTactile/Tactile/Close Vision)Utah: ProfessionalYes: VRI and fully virtual settings
          Casey Quiroz

          Call/Text: (208) 241-9232
          Idaho FallsEducation K-12, Education Post-Secondary, Community, Conference, Medical/HealthcareEd:K-12, Utah: ProfessionalYes: fully virtual events
          Clifford Hanks

          Call/Text: (208) 312-2546
          Twin FallsEducation K-12, Education Post-Secondary, Community, Business, Conference, Platform, Religious, Performing Arts, Government, Legal, Medical/Healthcare, DV/SA, Mental Health, DeafBlind (ProTactile/Tactile/Close Vision), SportsCI, CTYes: VRI and fully virtual settings
          Dawnette Reis-Rodriguez

          Call/Text: (208) 420-2653
          Filer, Twin FallsEducation K-12, Education Post-Secondary, CommunityMasters in Deaf Education
          EIPA 4.0+
          Deanna Stubbs

          Call/VP: (208) 473-2048
          BoiseEarly Childhood, Community, Religious, Medical/HealthcareCDIYes: VRI and fully virtual settings
          Deborah Matthews

          Call/Text: (208) 630-3200
          MeridianCommunity, Business, Conference, Platform, Religious, Performing Arts, Government, Legal, Medical/Healthcare, DV/SA, Mental HealthM.S. Speech/language dev & Deafness Rehabilitation
          CSC, CI, CT
          Yes: VRI and fully virtual settingsAvailable 24/7 rates adjust accordingly
          Donna S Walker

          Call/Text: (509) 999-2356
          Spokane, WAEducation Post-Secondary, Community, Business, Conference, Platform, Government, Legal, Medical/Healthcare, DV/SA, Mental HealthCI, CT, NIC: Advanced, SC:L, QMHIYes: VRI and fully virtual settingsProvides service on site in Idaho with negotiated travel
          Eloisa Williams

          (509) 999-1280
          Spokane Valley, WAEducation Post-Secondary, Community, Business, Conference, Government, Medical/Healthcare, DV/SA, Mental Health, DeafBlind (ProTactile/Tactile/Close Vision)CI, CT, NIC, QMHIYes: VRI and fully virtual settings
          Emily Beech

          Call/Text: (801) 652-8914
          Remote work ONLYEIPA 4.0+, NIC. Instructional Technology M.EdYes: VRI and fully virtual settings
          Emma Wood

          (208) 220-0728
          PocatelloEarly Childhood, Education K-12, Education Post-Secondary, Community, Business, Conference, Religious, Performing ArtsPhD Instructional Design (MA SPED/Deaf Ed)
          Utah: Professional
          Frances Bennett

          Call/Text: (703) 635-4167
          EagleEarly Childhood, Education Post-Secondary, Community, Business, Conference, Platform, Religious, Performing Arts, Government, Legal, Medical/Healthcare, Mental Health, DeafBlind (ProTactile/Tactile/Close Vision)MA: Interpretation, NIC: Master, SC:LYes: VRI and fully virtual settings
          Grayson Stotts

          Call/Text: (760) 484-6286
          Idaho FallsEducation K-12, Education Post-Secondary, Community, Business, Conference, Platform, Religious, Medical/Healthcare, Mental HealthEIPA 4.0+, Utah Knowledge Yes: VRI and fully virtual settingsWilling to travel
          Heather Fultz

          Call/Text: (208) 539-5873
          JeromeEducation K-12, Education Post-Secondary, Community, Medical/HealthcareM.S. Ed., EIPA 4.0+, CI, CTYes: VRI and fully virtual settingsI work 4 days a week at the ISDB during the school year.
          Holly Kohler

          (208) 440-4888
          MeridianEducation K-12, Education Post-Secondary, Community, ReligiousNICNo
          Holly Thomas-Mowery

          Call/Text: (208) 392-3888
          KunaCommunity, Business, Conference, Platform, Performing Arts, Government, Legal, DV/SAMA in Management and Organizational Leadership,
          CI, CT, NIC: Master, SC:L
          Yes: VRI and fully virtual settings
          Jennifer Pfeil

          Call/Text: (208) 262-1576
          Post FallsEducation K-12, Education Post-Secondary, Community, Business, Conference, Platform, Religious, Performing Arts, Government, Medical/Healthcare, DV/SA, Mental Health, DeafBlind (ProTactile/Tactile/Close Vision)CI, CT, NIC, NAD IVYes: VRI and fully virtual settingsdba "Interpreting Services for the Deaf, LLC"
          Joelynne Ball

          Call/Text: (208) 880-6216
          MeridianEarly Childhood, Education K-12, Education Post-Secondary, Community, Business, Conference, Platform, GovernmentM.S. Deaf Education,
          EIPA 4.0+, CI, CT
          Yes: VRI and fully virtual settings
          Julie Robison

          Call/Text: (208) 284-4160
          BoiseEducation K-12, Community, Religious, DeafBlind (ProTactile/Tactile/Close Vision)EIPA 4.0+
          June Flannery

          Call/Text: (208) 412-1836
          BoiseCommunity, Business, Conference, Platform, Performing Arts, Government, Medical/Healthcare, Mental HealthCT, NIC: AdvancedYes: VRI and fully virtual settings
          Karen (Nelson) Hicks

          Call/Text: (208) 371-0744
          BoiseEducation Post-Secondary, Community, Business, Conference, Platform, Performing Arts, Government, Medical/HealthcareEIPA 4.0+, NICYes: VRI and fully virtual settings
          (509) 679-5920
          Post FallsEducation Post-Secondary, Community, Business, Conference, Platform, Religious, LegalCI, CT, SC:LYes: VRI and fully virtual settings
          Kristi Kulik

          Call/Text: (208) 432-2045
          Twin FallsEducation K-12, Education Post-Secondary, Community, Business, Platform, Performing Arts, Medical/HealthcareEIPA 4.0+, NICYes: VRI - most participants are in the same room, interpreter joins virtually
          Kristy Buffington

          Call/Text: (208) 293-2406
          GoodingEducation Post-Secondary, Community, Medical/HealthcareMA - Medical Anthropology
          Yes: VRI - most participants are in the same room, interpreter joins virtually
          Kynzi Williamson
          kynzi.williamson.411@gmail.comJeromeEarly Childhood, Education K-12, Education Post-Secondary, Community, Business, Conference, Platform, Performing Arts, Government, Medical/Healthcare, DV/SA, Mental Health, DeafBlind (ProTactile/Tactile/Close Vision)EIPA 4.0+, MCDHH Screening (Ethical Interview/ Performance)Yes: VRI and fully virtual settingsI have been concentrating in interpreting STEM fields.
          Lauren Seale

          Call/Text: (208) 505-0529
          MeridianEarly Childhood, Education K-12, Education Post-Secondary, Community, Business, Conference, Platform, Religious, Performing Arts, GovernmentNICYes: VRI and fully virtual settings
          Laurie Walcott

          (805) 712-2311
          PocatelloEducation K-12, Education Post-Secondary, Community, Business, Religious, Medical/HealthcareCI, CTYes: VRI and fully virtual settings
          LaVona Andrew Carson

          Call/Text: (208) 890-5032
          BoiseEducation Post-Secondary, Community, Business, Conference, Platform, Performing Arts, Government, Legal, Medical/Healthcare, DV/SA, Mental Health, DeafBlind (ProTactile/Tactile/Close Vision)MA in Education: Curriculum and Instruction
          EIPA 4.0+, CI, CT, NIC: Master, Ed:K-12, CoreCHI, Completed MHIT
          Yes: VRI and fully virtual settings
          Lisa Dopf

          (208) 972-0961
          CaldwellEducation K-12, Education Post-Secondary, Community, Business, Conference, Religious, Medical/HealthcareUtah: ProfessionalYes: VRI and fully virtual settings
          Lynne D. Smith

          Text: (208) 514-7500
          BoiseEducation Post-Secondary, Government, Medical/Healthcare, DeafBlind (ProTactile/Tactile/Close Vision)EIPA 4.0+, NIC: MasterNoChild of a Deaf Adult (CODA)
          Manuel Ramirez
          Text: (208) 293-7397
          JeromeEducation K-12, Education Post-Secondary, Community, Business, Conference, Platform, Performing Arts, Medical/HealthcareEIPA 4.0+Yes: VRI - most participants are in the same room, interpreter joins virtually
          Megan Asturizaga

          Call/Text: (208) 312-3947
          WendellEducation K-12, Education Post-Secondary, Community, ReligiousEIPA 4.0+No
          Melanee Hutchinson
          SIGN 3889

          Call/Text: (208) 539-3854
          KimberlyEducation Post-Secondary, Community, Religious, Medical/HealthcareEIPA 4.0+, NAD IVNo
          Michelle Schoonderwoerd

          Call/Text: (602) 568-3113
          Early Childhood, Education K-12, Education Post-Secondary, Community, Business, Conference, Religious, Medical/Healthcare, Mental HealthMBA, EIPA 4.0+, CI, CT, NIC: MasterYes: VRI and fully virtual settings
          Monica Larson

          Call: (206) 992-4730
          Idaho FallsEarly Childhood, Education K-12, Education Post-Secondary, Community, Business, Conference, Religious, Medical/Healthcare, Mental HealthNICYes: VRI - most participants are in the same room, interpreter joins virtually
          Patti Durham

          (208) 249-5317
          MeridianEducation K-12, Education Post-Secondary, Community, Business, Conference, Religious, Performing Arts, Government, Medical/Healthcare, DV/SA, Mental Health, DeafBlind (ProTactile/Tactile/Close Vision)Yes: VRI and fully virtual settingsWilling to travel (contingent on weather)
          Paula Meyer

          Call/Text: (513) 505-9496
          Remote work ONLYEarly Childhood, Education K-12, Education Post-Secondary, Community, Business, Conference, Platform, Religious, Government, Medical/Healthcare, DV/SA, Mental HealthCI, CT,
          AS Sign Language Interpreting, AA Environmental Control & Protection Technology, BS Environmental Science
          Yes: VRI and fully virtual settings
          Rachel Miller
          Call/Text: (954) 601-7802 Treasure ValleyEducation Post-Secondary, Community, Business, Conference, Platform, Government, Medical/HealthcareNIC, BEI: Basic (if certified after 2014)Yes: VRI and fully virtual settingsTypically only available evenings and weekends
          Rebecca Ritchey

          (814) 207-1887
          Remote work ONLYEarly Childhood, Education K-12, Education Post-Secondary, Community, Conference, Religious, Government, Legal, Medical/Healthcare, DV/SA, Mental HealthMA Adult Education and Training, NICYes: VRI and fully virtual settings
          Ryan Sevy

          Call/Text: (208) 484-5154
          RexburgEducation K-12, Education Post-Secondary, Community, ReligiousEIPA 4.0+No
          Samantha McCalley
          Samccalley@yahoo.comTwin FallsEarly Childhood, Education K-12, Education Post-Secondary, Community, Business, Conference, DV/SA, Mental HealthEIPA 4.0+Yes: VRI and fully virtual settingsHeritage Signer
          Sarah Spellman

          (951) 805-1790
          NampaEducation K-12, Education Post-Secondary, Community, Business, Conference, Religious, Performing Arts, Medical/Healthcare, DeafBlind (ProTactile/Tactile/Close Vision)MS Interpretation,
          Yes: VRI and fully virtual settings
          Sharon Amoureux

          Call/Text: (208) 293-7854
          Twin FallsEarly Childhood, Education K-12, Education Post-Secondary, Community, Business, Conference, Platform, Religious, Performing Arts, Medical/HealthcareMasters Degree in Educational Leadership,
          EIPA 4.0+
          Yes: VRI and fully virtual settings
          Sherrolyn King

          Call/Text: (918) 504-8176
          RexburgEarly Childhood, Education K-12, Education Post-Secondary, Community, Conference, Religious, Medical/Healthcare, Mental Health, DeafBlind (ProTactile/Tactile/Close Vision)M.S. Educational Interpreting (in progress)
          Utah: Professional
          Yes: VRI and fully virtual settings
          Stetson Stanger

          Call/Text: (208) 241-6914
          Remote work ONLYEarly Childhood, Education K-12, Education Post-Secondary, Community, Business, Conference, Platform, Performing ArtsEIPA 4.0+Yes: VRI and fully virtual settings
          Stevana Corder

          Call/Text: (208) 319-6118
          Garden CityEducation K-12, Community, Business, Government, Medical/Healthcare, Mental HealthEIPA 4.0+Yes: Fully virtual settings
          Steven G Stubbs

          Call/VP: (208) 501-8793
          BoiseCommunity, Business, Conference, Platform, Religious, Performing Arts, Government, Legal, Medical/Healthcare, DeafBlind (ProTactile/Tactile/Close Vision)CDI, CLIP-RYes: VRI and fully virtual settings
          Susanne Buckley

          Call/Text: (208) 559-4660
          BoiseCommunity, Religious, Medical/Healthcare, Mental HealthMasters Degree in Special Education/ASL Instruction
          CI, CT
          Yes: VRI and fully virtual settings
          Timothy Andrew Hughes

          (208) 910-9303 text
          Idaho Falls Religious, Mental HealthMasters in Counseling Psychology
          Yes: VRI - most participants are in the same room, interpreter joins virtually
          Timothy Madsen

          Call/Text: (208) 930-5286
          MoscowEducation K-12, Community, Conference, Platform, Religious, Performing Arts, Medical/HealthcareEIPA 4.0+Yes: VRI and fully virtual settings
          Tona Baldwin

          Call/Text: (303) 916-8906
          MeridianEducation Post-Secondary, Community, Business, Conference, Platform, Performing Arts, Government, Medical/HealthcareCT, NIC, CoreCHIYes: VRI and fully virtual settings
          Tracy Teske

          Call/Text: (208) 901-1793
          Twin FallsMedical/HealthcareNo
          Valerie L Sturm

          (208) 201-6280
          RexburgEarly Childhood, Education K-12, Education Post-Secondary, Community, Business, Conference, Platform, Religious, Performing Arts, Government, Legal, Medical/Healthcare, DV/SA, Mental HealthM.Ed Curriculum and Design,
          CSC, CI, NAD V, Utah: Master, CoreCHI, Completed MHIT, Typewell transcription license
          Yes: VRI and fully virtual settings
          Verla Valentine
          SIGN -3489

          (208) 870-3664
          MeridianEducation K-12, Community, Religious, Medical/HealthcareEIPA 4.0+Yes: VRI - most participants are in the same room, interpreter joins virtually45+ years of experience
          ver: 3.5.2 | last updated: