Ready to Be Heard – How I Lost My Hearing and Found My Voice


When author Amanda McDonough started losing her hearing at the age of 4 she swore her parents to secrecy.  She hid her hearing loss for 18 years from her friends, family, teachers, and acquaintances.  As the author grew older, her hearing gradually decreased, causing her to begin struggling in school, in her relationships with family and friends, and with her identity.  By age twenty-two, she could no longer rely on her wit to hide her hearing loss.  She became one hundred percent deaf in both ears.  Amanda found herself unable to hear, talk, lip-read, or sign.  Her only method of communication with the world was through writing.

Ready to be Heard is the story of how Amanda taught herself to speak again, to lip-read, and to sign.  McDonough explains how she discovered a new culture, language, and most importantly, herself.

Balboa Press

1 in stock

SKU: CDHH-B-177-2020

