Dear Steve, You’re Going Deaf

by Steven DiCesare


Reader Levels: Teens and Adults

Comic book

What is it like to go deaf? A humorous, real and at times harrowing exploration of one man’s lifelong journey into silence. The entertaining, true short stories describe adventures in communication and music as well as Deaf culture and the cochlear implant. The author chronicles his experiences navigating the setbacks of hearing loss, sharing his darkest moments as well as his triumphs. In many ways, it is a story of survival. The result is a remarkable exercise in self-discovery and self-healing. The stories provide life-affirming lessons, such as the importance of altering our mindset in the face of adversity. Complete with clever and impactful illustrations, this book is not only for the Deaf and people with hearing impairments but for anyone struggling through a frightening or life-changing event.

1 in stock

SKU: CDHH-B-246-2022
