Each of the two one-hour videotapes features American Sign Language translations
of excerpts from some of the most famous speeches in American history. The
speeches by Susan B. Anthony and Geraldine Ferraro were translated by MJ
Bienvenu and Patrick Graybill; all other material was translated by Patrick Graybill
and Dennis Cokely. These outstanding translations are signed by Patrick
Graybill, MJ Bienvenu, Mark Morales, and David Hamilton. In addition,
on-camera introductions to each Freedom Speech or Document are provided
by Maureen Yates.
The Instructor’s Guide was developed by Micky Cokely and Jan-Marie Fernandez.
The Guide contains biographies of each of the speakers at two reading levels,
historical notes and background for each speech or document, a copy of the
full speech highlighting the video translations and instructor resource material
containing discussion questions and further resources.